July 2024 News
July 2024
June has been a positive month, we have finished a few enormous projects and had some lovely colour consultations. In general the telephone has been ringing and orders have been coming in.
The 21st of June was a magical day; from the Solstice, to the Full Moon (which was a Strawberry Moon). The longest day of the year and the International Yoga Day. So much to celebrate.
New Colour Collection
The most important thing for us was that we were finally able to organise the photoshoot to launch our latest collection. It has taken 6 months to bring all the components together from props and deliveries, photographers, stylists and of course a stylish location house. There were so many people involved, but it was really our PR company that at the end sorted it all out for us. And I am so ever grateful.
After two full days on location, our 6 new colours look splendid – at least we think so – we can not wait to show them to you.
Taking inspiration from the women artists of the Renaissance, the colours go well together and are of the same strength. It is well balanced and the colours are calm, fresh, and peaceful. Reminiscent of a Renaissance Palette.
The colour charts are about to be designed and sent to the printer so that next month we will be able to show you the result. Watch this space!
The naming of a collection, alongside making the colours, is a very enjoyable process. All our collections have a story, an inspiration and a reason why we created them.
Colour of the Month
The colour for July is Esmeralda’s Emerald Green from the Original Collection. A vibrant, rich, full-of-depth green, resembling the colour of the emerald gemstone. It is made entirely with Phthalo Green and a touch of yellow.
This colour is luxurious and has a vivid appearance. Also associated with elegance, sophistication and opulence, making it a popular choice, especially with this summer light, in fashion and interior design.
Thank you for reading and see you next month – Francesca.