

Cuba is a colourful country that has always intrigued me, and this collection is a celebration of its people, food and colours. Intense or light yellows, strong or soft blues, smoky pinks, reds and greens take you by the hand when touring the columns, balustrades and streets. Sometimes the colours appear in weakened shades, but this limewash feel does not lose any of the magic.

Colour exists everywhere on this island – the clothes, the houses, the cars, the cafes. The beautiful iron work decorating old buildings, the paving stone streets, all let you know where you are in the world. An interesting fact is that this streetscape is not simply born from artistic charm, but the result of locals not having access to the same paint colour twice.

Team the colours in the Collection together, or you can of course mix and match from any of the Collections as you like. The A4s and 75 mls sample pots for this collection come in the Eco Emulsion only. From 1 litre onward, all of our colours are available in all of our finishes.

If you have any questions regarding my Colour Collections or about breathable paint products, please email us or call us on 02072287694. Thank you.

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